table language

英 [ˈteɪbl ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 美 [ˈteɪbl ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]

网络  表语言



  1. Within the Party Domain, a given service will return back code table values in the requester's language.
  2. In this example, the PRODUCTNLS table holds the language-sensitive elements and has a language id as key field.
  3. This example ( Figure 9) shows a table for File Counts by Language.
  4. The table further down the page grows by two columns, each representing a language.
  5. Sitting at a crowded table with men who did not share a common language with you, listening to them talk and jape whilst understanding none of it, had quickly grown wearisome.
  6. Technique of Variable-Value Table for Assembling language Program Design in single-Chip Processor
  7. This paper has designed the mathematical description method and generating mechanism of dentritic table theoretically based on the principles of the design of the fourth-generation language.
  8. A Symbol Table Organization Method for Block-Structured Language
  9. The parser is the basis of the symbol table generated by verifying whether a word symbol string is a sentence of the language grammar or not;
  10. Cotton textile technology machine matching table calculation program developed by VB language is introduced to realize quick calculation and visual, simply and quickly machine matching table calculation.
  11. By comparison with the table of analyzing language and power it is shown that the legislative discourse emphasizes strict logicality at the cost of brief and clear sentences, which shows the strong will-to-power to control discourse meaning and those who have to obey the law.
  12. According to the reference 1, the electronic computer Language G Language of two dimension table is advanced in this paper It is a programmable User source language.
  13. To design the reasonable data construction based on the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and to establish the database table using the Transact-SQL language.
  14. The Design Implement of a Table Record Language for Industrial Control
  15. The system feeds the interference distance ( the value of interference) in the interference Table back to the consumer. Language C++ is used in the system to achieve the functions such as interference detecting and entity information collected.
  16. Two dimensional table query language in chinese& an administrators oriented relational database language
  17. This system developed print control with technology of. NET, using XML as report table description language.
  18. A Program Design of Constructing Abridged Life Table ( BASIC Language)
  19. According to existing failure standard, this thesis uses the element table and parameter language APDL of ANSYS to determine the failure load and the result is tally with the result of experiment.
  20. According to the relationship between data logic and data structure in the motor vehicle management information system, this paper analyses and explores the application of the decision tree, decision table, structural language and other methods to the logical system data processing.
  21. A new orthogonal table data language ( YDL) is developed by excel in computer, which has excellent function of tabulation and computation.
  22. It is an important task of sport teaching that what movement table resemble formed, use internal language "thinking" is the important means to develop intelligence.
  23. The third chapter, O/ R Mapping solution is highlighted and a generalized mapping mode from object to relation table, including mapping object, constraint condition, mode/ pattern language.
  24. In configuration EMF module, study and realization table adapter to achieve using XML language to describe the table adapter between OMC and NE.
  25. The system on PLC is used for collecting real-time data and automation control function and it is realized by sentence table language.
  26. Application of Table Method in VB Language Teaching
  27. This dissertation designed fact table and dimension table correspondingly based on the multi-dimensional analysis theme, used SQL language to format the form of stored procedure, completed the data statistical and analysis in accordance with the set of dimensions and indicators.
  28. A basic fuzzy controller was designed, and its query table was designed with MATLAB language.
  29. The second way is to comprehensively describe and transform all kinds of class table by SKOS language, and induce their concepts to structure out top-level ontology, and establish contacts between top-level ontology data and SKOS data.
  30. Images and language based on human emotions, can contact each other in the table means and conversion, and thus images with narrative and language narrative "interchangeability." The author focuses on specific elements of Chinese ink painting animation look for narrative feature.